Meet My Babies

Aside from my husband whom i dearly love and treat like a baby...

I have 2 more babies and they both make my day complete.

They are my cute dachshunds COFFY (female black & tan) and FRAPPO (chocobrown & tan).

Coffy is the sweetest.

Frappo is the most energetic.

Coffy would sleep beside me at night or would watch me do my chores during the day.

While Frappo would run & & play.

What's common to them? I LOVE THEM BOTH!

Drunk driver jailed for fatal Townsville crash | Townsville Bulletin News

Drunk driver jailed for fatal Townsville crash | Townsville Bulletin News

Filipino nurse killed by drunk driver | ABS-CBN News | Latest Philippine Headlines, Breaking News, Video, Analysis, Features

Filipino nurse killed by drunk driver | ABS-CBN News | Latest Philippine Headlines, Breaking News, Video, Analysis, Features

I remember on Easter Sunday in 2006 when my grandmother Gloria F. Rico & my cousin were hit by a drunk driver in Townsville, Queensland Australia. My beloved grandmother was declared DOA (dead on arrival) while my cousin suffered injuries, physically and emotionally. Holy Week is here again and Easter Sundays will never be the same again in our ancestral house in San Felipe, Zambales. I miss her voice, I miss her luto, i miss everything about her.

Here's a link about that Townsville man who was sentenced to eight years' jail after pleading guilty to manslaughter. Click here

Ginataang Kuhol

My hubby influenced me to eat Guinataang Kuhol or Escargot/Brown snails in Coconut Milk. I eat kuhol (ilocano style)when i was young but not with gata. instead, my mom cook it with sampaloc and bagoong isda.


brown snails (kuhol)
garlic head
tbsp. ginger
siling labuyo (or bird’s eye pepper)
gata or coconut milk (3 coconuts are equivalent to 2 cups of gata)
alamang (shrimp paste) if unavailable, use patis (fish sauce) or Salt

1. Wash Kuhol.
3. Break tail-end of snails (simply by tapping with a spoon).
4. Wash again and drain then set aside.
5. In a pan, sauté garlic and ginger, and alamang.
6. Pour coconut milk and bring to a boil.
7. Let simmer for about 10 minutes then add the snails.
8. Season with salt.
9. Add in the pepper last and leave for 15 more minutes.
10. Serve hot with steamed rice.

Certificate in Professional Education

I was having a hard time looking for a job where i could practice my nursing profession. But unfortunately due to my age (i'm now 30 years old.), i could not find a job who accepts applicants at this age. Usually hospitals accept single female nurses with 2 years work experience and not over 25 years of age. Hahaha!!! none of these requirements would fit me. On June 2010, Then I decided to pursue my first be a Teacher. Iv'e always wanted to be a teacher..a SPED teacher. That's the reason why i took up B.S. Psychology at Trinity University of Asia and to continue specializing in SPED. To my surprise, a nearby University is offering this CPE course. on June 2010, I enrolled Certificate in Professional Education at University of Rizal System - Angono Campus. It's a one year course with 30 units in education. This course is needed for me to be eligible in taking the Licensure Exam for Teachers. Oh well...i just love to learn. CPE is my third course and I will not stop learning.
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